Alan Chew
Employed at DigitalRoute since 2009
Previous job history: Implementation Consultant, Software Engineer and Scrum Master
You have been working for more than ten years at DigitalRoute. What has kept you challenged and motivated?
We are a global company, and I enjoy working with colleagues at other sites and travelling to meet our customers, who are spread across the world. And on top of this, we have exciting products and use the latest technology. DigitalRoute has been around for over twenty years, but we are still a reasonably small company. There are many opportunities to move around and learn new things, for example, moving from one product area to another with completely different technology.
What do you look for when you hire people for your team?
I look for people who are curious and eager to learn. Their attitude is the essential aspect. To fit in at DigitalRoute, you must enjoy and believe in teamwork to move forward, but at the same time, practice self-management and take ownership to deliver.
Compared to other tech companies in Kuala Lumpur, does DigitalRoute stick out? If so, how?
In general, we offer a different company culture. We have an open climate and a flat organisation where you can easily access managers and other departments, make decisions, and move fast forward. We have good employee benefits, for example, a much-appreciated paternity month for new dads, compared to local regulations that offer three days.
Get in touch?
Email: alan.chew@digitalroute.com