CSPs need contextually relevant and timely data for accurate billing and insight-driven product design.
5G will help generate masses of information and create a high demand for new charging models and innovative use cases, beyond the standard CSP services of today.
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The CHF is seen as a service provider to the network and as such it needs additional functions to be able to provide the relevant charging services. These functions are:
– The rating function (RF) that determines the value of the network resource usage
– The account balance management function (ABMF) which is the repository of the subscriber’s account balance
– The charging gateway function (CGF) acting as a gateway between the 5G network and the billing domain (BD)
DigitalRoute’s Usage Data Platform offers a vendor-agnostic CHF/CGF layer that breaks down data silos and bridges multiple network generations with any type of charging and billing system.

By using DigitalRoute as a CHF and CGF, any CSP can create a layer between the network, an OCS and IT which is independent of the network equipment provider and from the rest of the IT systems.
Ultimately this allows service providers to grow, modify or replace service infrastructure without impacting revenue management processes relating to data mediation.
- Enable 5G interoperability and new business models
- Preserve legacy OCS and ensure a smooth transition to 5G CCS
- Enable BSS/OSS evolution
- Unlock new B2B/B2B2x revenue streams
- Support cloud-native architecture and slice awareness
- Bridge charging across 5G and 3G/4G networks
- Facilitate partnerships with hyperscalers
Prepare for the 5G opportunity…
The 5 tenets of being prepared for successful with 5G monetization
- Comprehensively capture and rapidly process all the data needed, to support an extensive range of current and future business models.
- Go beyond the known and traditional telco network data sources, to capture every possible drop of information that supports usage-based revenue management.
- Embrace cloud-native software to take advantage of the developer-friendly, flexible and ready-to-use infrastructure, to optimize time-to-market agility and resilience.
- Minimize risk throughout billing system modernization by carefully considering the opportunities for consolidation and customer migration.
- Introduce organic flexibility that can adapt to the charging models that will come with network slicing.
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Frontrunners in usage-based business

The guide will help commercial and product executives at CSPs understand what 5G monetization scenarios can involve, in terms of business models, partnerships and technology.